Let’s Talk Teeth!

I know many of you might be wondering why Pinky’s tongue is always sticking out. She’s not hot, tired or thirsty. What she is, is toothless. Yep, there is nothing in there but gums! Take a look for yourself. Due to neglect in her previous life, every tooth in her little mouth was decayed. So before she came to live with me, the vet anesthetized her and removed them all. Once the infection was cleared up and her gums healed, she felt better than she had in years and her overall health quickly improved. Essentially, her tongue falls out of her mouth, because there is nothing to hold it in, but we have decided it just adds an extra layer of charm. It does get a little dry at night and has gotten stuck to the blanket, but we keep a teacup of water by the bed for easy detachment. Thankfully, she has never licked a flagpole in winter!

So let’s talk teeth!!

Is your best friend experiencing the heartbreak of halitosis, the bad breath blues and the sadness of stinky teeth? Unless they have just eaten something dubious out in the yard, the most likely cause is dental problems. February is National Pet Dental Care Month and we are celebrating. Actually, Pinky doesn’t care at all since the days of teeth are long since gone for her, but she will join in if there is cake.

We have all had an abscessed or broken tooth at one point or another and know how excruciating it is. Imagine having a number of them with no way to tell anyone. That is what many of our furry family members could be experiencing and we might not even realize it. Fortunately, the smart people at the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) have all the facts and we have taken a few notes:

Watch out for signs of periodontal disease. They include:

  • Bad breath
  • Broken or loose teeth
  • Strange chewing, drooling or dropping of food
  • Reduced appetite or refusal to eat
  • Pain or bleeding around the mouth.
  • Swelling in areas around the mouth.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to go to the vet. They are trained to stick their hands in the mouth of a Rottweiler. I, for one, am not! He/She may recommend a thorough cleaning and treatment under anesthesia. This allows them to see things up close and personal and is more comfortable for your pet. If it is suggested, take their advice and do it. Periodontal disease can be dangerous as well as painful for your pet. It doesn’t just affect the mouth, it can cause changes in their kidney, liver or heart. Your vet can also instruct you on how to properly brush your pet’s teeth to maintain oral health (cat people, I wish you luck with that. Let me know how it goes).

Thanks for checking out our very first blog post! We are glad your here, so let’s celebrate Pet Dental Health Month. Hey, any excuse for a party!

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